parent power TNWe are extremely proud that St Mary's Calne has been ranked 2nd independent school in the South West for academic performance in The Sunday Times Schools’ Guide, Parent Power 2024.

The 30th edition of the schools’ guide identifies the highest-achieving schools in the UK, ranked by their 2023 A Level and GCSE examination results.  In addition to being second in the South West, St Mary’s Calne is ranked as 25th independent secondary school in the country for A Level results and 57th overall.  The Sunday Times Parent Power Guide ranks schools by the first true set of post-pandemic examination results and is widely acknowledged as the most authoritative survey of the country’s top schools.

Acting Head, Mrs Diana Harrison said of the achievement, ‘This outstanding result is a testament to the hard work and talent of our students, and of our wonderful team of teachers and support staff.‘

Helen Davies, Editor of Parent Power, said: ‘The guide showcases academic excellence but also celebrates schools who may not be right at the top but are rising, innovating, and helping pupils flourish. Being a teenager is hard enough, and the past few years since Covid have made life even harder. It is heartening to highlight the achievements of so many students and schools across the UK. This year Parent Power includes details on extracurricular clubs, wellbeing initiatives and school lunch menus.’

To search for schools in The Sunday Times Parent Power guide, please click here (please note this will require a subscription with The Times online)