DauntBooks TNWe were delighted this week to learn that Theodora (LV), Sylvie (LV) and Emma (UV) were winners in the Daunt Books Short Story Competition! This was a nationwide competition with hundreds of entries. Impressively, St Mary's Calne students achieved three of the 15 winning stories to be published in the Daunt Books Short Story Anthology 2024!

The judges spoke of the girls' 'thoughtful and creative use of words', 'strong imagination' and 'truly excellent story-telling.'

An award ceremony for the winning writers will take place in Hampstead, London on Wednesday 15th May, with newly printed anthologies available as well as books by Sabine Adeyinka who has written a wonderful introduction. Artist David Roberts, creator of the beautiful cover inspired by the stories within, will also be present.

We wish the girls a super evening and look forward to the photos!

Mrs Rebekah Lord, Head of English