Computer Science is considered to be the fourth Science and is included as part of the EBacc subjects. It is a rigorous, academic subject where students learn about algorithms, programming and computer hardware as well as the ever-evolving legal and ethical issues which surround the subject. Whilst Computer Science has been pushed heavily by educationalists and industry, there is still a hugely important place for ICT. In ICT projects, students focus on being able to effectively present information, master business applications and develop a sound awareness of online safety.
Fourth Form students have one lesson per week. The philosophy behind the topics and content of the curriculum in these three years ties into the subject choices at GCSE. Topics that allow students to explore Computer Science include using various programming languages, creating apps and use hardware to build a good foundation for the GCSE course. Students are also taught a variety of business applications and learn about online safety.
LV students can choose to complete the GCSE Computer Science, or otherwise will complete the International Certification of Digital Literacy (ICDL). LVI students can choose to complete the A Level Computer Science, Advanced ICDL or can even complete the GCSE Computer Science (as an additional qualification alongside their three A Levels).
AQA GCSE Computer Science
Paper 1: Computational thinking & problem solving (50% of the course)
Practical aspects of the course. Includes: Fundamentals of algorithms, Programming, Fundamentals of data representation, Computer systems
Paper 2: Written assessment (50% of the course)
Theoretical aspects of the course. Includes: Fundamentals of data representation, Computer systems, Fundamentals of computer networks, Fundamentals of cyber security, Ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital technology.
Non-examination assessment: Programming project
The development of a computer program along with the computer programming code itself which has been designed, written and tested by a student to solve a problem. Students will produce an original report outlining this development.
AQA A Level Computer Science
Paper 1 – 2 ½ hour exam (40% of the course)
Practical aspects of the course. Includes: Programming, Data Structures, Algorithms, Theory of computation, Software development
Paper 2 – 2 ½ hour exam (40% of the course)
Theoretical aspects of the course. Includes: Data representation, Computer systems & architecture, Legal & ethics, Communications and networking, Databases, Big data, Functional programming
NEA Practical project (20% of the course)
International Certification of Digital Literacy
The ICDL programme is introduced in the LV Form and completed in the UV Form. The ICDL is an internationally recognised qualification administered by the British Computer Society and certifies competence in the Microsoft Office suite of programmes. Universities are keen for students to arrive with proof of ICT skills, and indeed in many cases make it a stipulation of entry.
Advanced ICDL
On completion of the ICDL, pupils have the opportunity to develop their higher level computer skills by taking Advanced ICDL modules in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. Certificates in each application are awarded individually; however, if all the modules have been completed then it counts as 24 UCAS points - the equivalent of an A grade on the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).
Competitions, trips and clubs
The Computing Club meets once a week and is the place to be for all information about Computer Science competitions and learning how to program. The department runs school-based competitions and also competes in national and international competitions which include: British Informatics Olympiad, Bebras UK, and CyberFirst. The students can also borrow robotics equipment to practise out of classes and there is a forum within the club website for students to ask questions and find out answers from other students.
St Mary’s girls and staff have excellent access to ICT facilities. There are four computer suites of various sizes which other departments can book. Girls are loaned an iPad in LIV and MIV form and encouraged to have their own laptop from the UIV form and these are connected to the school internet and printing facilities. Girls have both wired and wireless access to the school network across the site, every House has access to computers with more computers being available for general use in the UV and Sixth Form Houses.
Mr Giles Mason (Director of IT)
Mr Hugo Lopez (Head of Computer Science & Digital Strategy)