The school attaches great importance to ensuring that your daughter is provided with a varied and healthy diet. Mealtimes are very important for busy young people, as they lead very active lives at school, and it is vital that they look forward to mealtimes as a relaxing and enjoyable event in a friendly and pleasant environment.
We offer the girls nutritious, freshly prepared food throughout the day. Staff and pupils eat together at meal times in the main Dining Hall, which operates on a cafeteria self-service system. The menu is imaginatively varied, reviewed and changed regularly and all food is freshly prepared and cooked by our own catering staff led by a qualified Catering Manager.

We are dedicated to ensuring that the school provides a well-balanced, nutritional breakfast, lunch and supper every day which take account of the popular traditional meals that students like. This is supplemented by daily lunchtime pop-up baguette and pasta bars, frequent themed menus to support learning and a cultural palate and regular Sunday carvery/Sunday brunch to add variety, choice and that little bit of excitement. In addition, the Catering Department facilitates formal dinners and catering for special occasions and events, many of which are attended and applauded by parents.
We are working actively with our suppliers to ensure that the ingredients used are good quality, reduced in salt, sugar, fat and free of harmful additives. Produce is sourced wherever possible from local suppliers; using seasonal produce; and all of our meat and poultry is traceable and sourced from a high quality local butcher.
Menus are displayed at all meals, with special dietary information highlighted. We actively promote and encourage healthy balanced meals and our philosophy is that students should be free to make their own choices from the selection available.
Members of the School Food Committee, made up of representatives from each school year, meet on a regular basis to review the choices available in consultation with the Catering Manager and the Deputy Head Pastoral.
St Mary’s Calne endeavours to ensure that the food offered contributes to improving the student’s quality of daily life. For further details please see the School Catering Policy.