Upon enquiry, we ask parents to send a recent full school report to the Admissions Department and also usually request a UKiset report from girls whose first language is not English. Should this information be of the required standard, and a place available, parents are invited to register their daughter by returning the completed Registration Form and non-refundable fee of £300.
Confirmation that the Registration Form and Fee have been received will be confirmed by email. If applicants cannot attend specific Taster and Entrance Day events with the other candidates, we can arrange individual Taster and Assessment Days as appropriate. St Mary’s entrance assessments will be arranged at a mutually convenient time and applicants may be able to sit entrance papers in their own country or online, if preferred, depending on which year they are applying for.
Places are offered subject to satisfactory performance at assessments and offer documentation will be sent by e-mail. On acceptance of a place, it is the responsibility of overseas parents to secure a UK guardian, for the duration of their daughter’s education at St Mary’s. It is also advisable to set up a UK bank account in their daughter's name.