ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection, January 2022 

St Mary’s Calne is delighted to have met all of the compliance standards in the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) Regulatory Compliance Inspection for schools with residential provision which took place in January 2022.*  
This was a detailed, robust inspection and St Mary’s has passed with flying colours!
The report covered the following key areas:

• Quality of education provided
• Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils
• Welfare, health and safety of pupils
• Suitability of staff, supply staff, and proprietors
• Premises of and accommodation at schools
• Provision of information
• Manner in which complaints are handled
• Quality of leadership in and management of schools.
In addition to the above, the inspectors observed lessons, examined pupils’ work and spoke directly with pupils, staff and governors. Co-curricular activities were observed and pre-inspection questionnaires sent to parents, staff and pupils were also analysed.
The ISI Report serves to re-affirm the school’s aim of and success in providing ‘the highest quality in the education and development of girls; to create an environment which fosters every pupil’s well-being; to encourage pupils to think broadly and deeply and to make connections both inside and outside the classroom; and to develop an approach to life that makes them bold, resilient, open-minded, well-balanced and ready to lead and shape the modern world.’
To view the full ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection Report, please click here

*As this was a Compliance Inspection, the outcome is either standards are ‘met’ or 'not met’.

Excellent ISI Report for St Mary's Calne, May 2017

We are very pleased to share the Independent Schools Inspectorate report from May 2017 with you.

Under the new ISI framework two judgements are made on the quality of Pupil Achievement and Pupil Development. In both of these categories we are delighted that St Mary's was awarded the highest possible grade – Excellent.

Their Key Findings include:

◾"The quality of the pupils' academic and other achievements is excellent."

◾"Pupils have outstanding attitudes to their learning, and they are highly productive individually and in co-operation with others."

◾"The quality of the pupils' personal development is excellent."

◾ "Pupils' personal development is enhanced by their experiences in the boarding houses and by the excellent relationships between pupils and staff."

With regards to the pupils' personal development, the report states: "Pupils at the school are well-rounded, articulate and self-confident young people who leave the school able to face the future with confidence, thus fulfilling the school's stated aim to develop in their pupils the moral strength to become bold, resourceful, well-balanced individuals who have the capacity to lead and shape our modern world."

Head Dr Kirk commented: “I am delighted with the findings of the ISI reports which reflect the outstanding quality of teaching, the breadth and depth of our education and the wonderful outcomes for the pupils at St Mary’s Calne and the excellent relationships between the pupils and all the staff. I am extremely proud of our girls, who, as well as being ‘confident and articulate communicators’ and having an ‘outstanding attitude to learning’ also positively contribute to the local community and charitable causes.

Please click here to read the full ISI Educational Quality Inspection.

In addition, we were found to be robustly compliant with all the ISI statutory standards in the Focused Compliance Inspection; please click here to read the full ISI Focused Compliance Inspection report.


ISI Boarding Welfare Intermediate Inspection 2014

The ISI's Boarding Welfare Report (Intermediate Inspection) took place on 30th April 2014 to 2nd May 2014 and the report was published in June 2014.

This inspection is quantitative, not qualitative and inspectors are not permitted to elaborate on their findings. All of the outcomes are extremely positive and the school is fully compliant in all areas.  St Mary's meets all of the standards for the boarding provision and care and the welfare and safeguarding of the girls.  Parents' responses to the pre-inspection questionnaire were 'extremely positive'.  'All concurred that the school keeps boarders safe, achieves high standards of behaviour and that boarding helps their child's progress and development.  Inspectors agree.'

Please click here to link to the full ISI inspection report.