Approximately 20% of our girls are day girls and they are fully integrated into school life and enjoy all the benefits which the school offers. They are actively welcomed into the Boarding Houses where in most Houses they have places allocated within dormitories. This easily facilitates staying overnight in House.
It is expected that day girls will wish to participate in the wide range of after school and weekend activities which is offered. They can have flexible and varied arrangements concerning when they go home. Housemistresses supervise day girls as they do boarders and registration takes place in House at 8.15am. They must sign out from House when they go home after their activities. Please inform the Housemistress of any variations in their travel arrangements.
If your daughter is absent from school, please telephone her Housemistress as early as possible on the first day of absence. If the absence is prolonged, a further call keeping us informed would be appreciated.