During August, our Logistics Manager, Mrs German, arranged for the nine-seater school car to be loaned to a charity who have been working to provide aid for Ukraine and to bring refugees back to the UK.
St Mary’s Calne students have once again achieved a superb set of GCSE and IGCSE Level results, with 35% of the results graded 9.
St Mary’s Calne is very proud of this year’s Leavers, who have experienced a tough and unprecedented couple of years. As the students were unable to sit their GCSEs, these A Levels were the first external assessments they had taken, and we are delighted by their resilience and by their very impressive, well-earned results with over a quarter of all grades awarded being A*s (27%) and 68% (or over two thirds) A*-A.
On the evening of Saturday 2nd July, the UVI students, families, guests, and staff gathered for the annual Lily Ball. The evening is a highlight of the Summer Term and the final event for our Leavers, and this year was once again kindly sponsored by The Calne Girls’ Association and the Parents’ Guild of St Mary’s.
Saturday 2nd July 2022 saw the 149th Founders’ Day for St Mary’s Calne. Despite the grey skies, nothing could dampen the spirits of the whole school community on this very special day.
The Head Girl's Team have been very busy and set up a system to donate old used/unused text books. Following research, they have chosen to donate the books to the international Non-Governmental Organisation, Books2Africa.
This is the final news piece on Maths in Motion this academic year, and we are delighted to announce that Myra L. (MIV) was not only the St Mary’s top engineer for this race, but also the winner of the UK schools' Iceland race.
On Friday 24th June, the UV students were joined by some of Winchester College’s Year 11s and 12s in a night full of delicious food, mocktails, and games such as blackjack and poker. Everyone looked gorgeous, and truly fulfilled the theme of James Bond.
We are delighted to announce that one of our LIV pupils is the first runner-up in the 2022 Bookbuzz design a book cover competition!
Having stolen the show at the Regional Final, Amelia (UIV) was excited to attend the Grand Final of the English-Speaking Union’s Performing Shakespeare competition at The Globe on Friday 24th June.
In morning Chapel on 28th June, Father Jonathan and Dr Drape talked about how Dr Drape had learnt to ride a bicycle last summer.
On 27th June, St Mary’s held its first LVI New Girls’ Day to welcome students joining Florence Dyas House in September.
This year saw the inaugural St Mary’s Calne Professional Development (SMCPD) leadership course take place.
Last week the UIV went to Bude in Cornwall to Adventure International for a week of outdoor activities and team building.
This Summer Term, students entered the Anthea Bell Prize Competition for Young Translators, organised by The Queen’s College, University of Oxford.
On Thursday 16th June, we welcomed applicants for highly competitive university courses from our local state schools to join our own LVI in a collaborative day of workshops aimed at supporting the application process.
During Donaldson Week, the MIV girls had a wonderful week on the Isle of Wight.
The LIV thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Adventure International trying out a range of land and sea based activities and perfecting their skills.
The Senior Inter-Company Tennis was the perfect event to keep the courts busy while many of the other year groups were out and about on school trips.
On 9th June, we had a full School Parliament meeting. The vision for Parliament this year is based around community and inclusivity.
St Mary's hosted 100 Year 5 and 6 pupils from four local primary schools on Monday 13th June for a day of lacrosse.
On 10th June, the LIV went to the International Meditation Centre in Heddington for their Religious Studies trip.
On Tuesday 7th June, we were fortunate to have Dr Dominique Thompson join us to deliver a webinar on the struggles faced by young people today, including the pressures of perfectionism and competitiveness within peer groups.
For many years a group of our LIV students have traditionally supported the local Calne in Bloom project.
With Union Jack bunting proudly displayed across the school's two entrances, reception atrium and Chapel, the school community set about marking the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with a Celebration Day of special events.
On Tuesday 7th June, the LV and LVI pupils had the fantastic opportunity to listen to one of the great communicators of History, Lucy Worsley OBE, who told the enthralling tale of Queen Caroline and her turbulent life as part of the early Georgian royal family.
On Wednesday 8th June, the students organised a Mufti Day to raise funds for the charity, Rise:61.
LIV Mandarin learners have been celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival this week.
Starting the school’s celebrations to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, we were delighted to host ‘Let’s Create and Celebrate’, an Art Workshop for aspiring Art Scholars in Years 5 and 6 from St Margaret’s Prep and local primary schools (Heddington, Hilmarton and Holy Trinity).
Last Friday, Mr Gilbert held a very exciting tennis-themed celebration of Harry Styles’ new album, Harry's House.
Results of the Maths in Motion Race 4 were in this week. Stakes were high with rewards for the top three engineers, and a treat for the top scoring form.
Following their success at the County Final, six members of St Mary’s Young Enterprise company, ‘Empower’, represented the school at the ‘virtual’ South West Regional Final, held online on Thursday 19th May.
On a very sunny and beautiful Sunday afternoon, we hosted nearly 70 St Mary's families at the very first 'Grandparents' Tea'. Our current pupils invited their grandparents, godparents, relatives and friends to join them for a tour of school and Afternoon Tea.
On Thursday 12th May, Amelia (UIV) represented Calne at the Regional Final of the English-Speaking Union ‘Performing Shakespeare’ Competition, having won the school round earlier this year.
It’s not every day you plan for a birthday party – in German! That’s exactly what happened at ‘Franzi’s Birthday’ – a German Language and Culture Day for Year 5 pupils, presented by the MFL Department.
On Thursday 12th May, St Mary's Calne entered the Area Athletics meet held at Bath University's Sports Training Village. The fantastic facilities led to some great competition from St Mary’s students in both track and field events.
The Sports Scholars and invited students participated in the second session of the Ready To Compete programme with coaches from CrossFit Devizes.
Tabitha (LIV) has been awarded the first place and Beana (LIV) came runner-up in the Year 7-9 ‘Discover German’ category of this year's Oxford German Olympiad.
Congratulations to Sophie Thompson, Eliza Fleming and April Ni (UIV) who have all had their artwork selected for exhibition at the Arnolfini, Bristol, as part of this year’s ART BYTES competition.
On Saturday 14th May, St Mary's had an incredibly busy day of tennis, with fixtures at home and against Marlborough College, and the ISGTL tournament at Bradfield College. In total, there were 108 pupils competing across the weekend, from UIV to UVI.
On Thursday 5th May, the Sixth Form English Literature students held their final English Society meeting of the year. This term, they chose Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales as the theme; each attendee was randomly assigned a character, and the costumes did not disappoint!
On Thursday 5th May St Mary’s was fortunate to be joined by Deana Puccio Ferraro, co-founder of The RAP Project.
On Saturday 7th May several LVI students had an energetic morning of self defence delivered by Major Ollie Braithwaite, the CEO of Absolute Defence.
The Maths in Motion Spa race took place on 9th May and our data analysts/engineers did very well in the national standings, with Tabitha (LIV) gaining an impressive 11th place out of a field of over 100 competitors.
On Thursday 24th February, the lives of millions of Ukrainians were torn apart when their country was invaded.
On Friday 6th May, the LIV and MIV ventured back to Lake 32 at the Cotswold Water Park for their second week of activities.
This year the English Department launched the inaugural Dunkin Spelling Bee, in memory of our beloved and inspiring Mrs Dunkin.
Last week the LVI A Level Geography students went on a Geography field trip to Dorset and Bristol. They learnt new skills, as well as developing their existing ones, and thankfully the weather was on their side!
On Tuesday 3rd May, five members of St Mary’s Young Enterprise company, ‘Empower', represented the school at the Wiltshire County Final, held at Cumberwell Park near Bradford on Avon.
The LIV and MIV went for their annual walk and summer camp last week. There was a change of venue this year with a lovely circular walk from school around Bowood and back to the lower pitch to camp.
On Tuesday 26th April, Rosie (UVI) gave a presentation in Chapel explaining to the school what the Indian orphanage Sheela Bal Bhavan does, and how it operates.
On 25th April, Mr Smyth, Deputy Head Academic, gave a presentation in Chapel to the school on how to solve cryptic crosswords.
Congratulations to Beana (LIV) for being the top St Mary's student in the Maths in Motion fun holiday time trial.
Students in LIV completed the Logo Turtle programming module last term and created their own 'Turtle Art'.
On Friday lunchtime, the Art, Music and Drama Scholars and Ambassadors were invited to an Afternoon Tea in our wonderful Lime Kiln Garden.