The following is a brief summary of the terms and conditions that parents agree to when sending their daughter to St Mary’s Calne:


Termly fees are all inclusive apart from text books for your daughter’s sole use, public examination fees, and items of discretionary spending. Extra-curricular activities, e.g. private music lessons, trips and visits and any requirement for special educational instruction, are also charged for separately. A term’s notice is required to cease education, extra-curricular activities or special educational instruction.

Fees for the term are due before the 1st day of term; extra charges as detailed above are normally billed termly in arrears (some trips may be in advance) and are also due for payment before the 1st day of the following term. Fees and any prepaid supplemental charges will not normally be reduced as a result of absence due to illness or otherwise. Please refer to the Parent / School Contract for further details.

The school operates an optional sickness insurance scheme, which parents may elect to join. We also offer pupils’ personal accident and personal property insurance schemes, both of which are optional and charged separately.


There is a Code of Conduct which pupils will be made aware of and thereafter will be expected to comply with. It sets out examples of good and bad behaviour and a table of rewards and sanctions according to the occasion. Serious disciplinary matters, e.g. stealing, using or purchasing drugs, are covered within a separate policy which is advised to parents prior to their daughter attending the school.

School’s Obligations:

It is expected that your daughter will stay at St Mary’s until the end of her GCSEs and, subject to her obtaining the required academic results, enter the Sixth Form for a two year A Level course.

The school will exercise skill and care in respect of your daughter’s education and welfare. Parents are asked to fulfill their obligations, encourage their daughters in their studies and give appropriate support to the school.

The school reserves the right to make changes to the curriculum, although it will try to give parents a term’s notice of significant changes to the curriculum and where practical will consult with parents on such changes. The school monitors your daughter’s academic and pastoral progress and written reports are produced regularly.

Parents’ Obligations:

A comprehensive medical questionnaire about your daughter has to be completed prior to her starting at St Mary’s Calne and it is a requirement that parents keep the school updated regularly on any long-term or developing medical conditions, or if special arrangements are needed for specific situations.

Parents are asked to inform the school, without delay, if they have any cause for concern, whether a matter of safety, care, discipline or progress of their daughter.

The responsibility for the welfare of your daughter whilst off the school premises, unless taking part in a school activity or otherwise under the supervision of a member of staff, rests with parents. The Head must be informed in writing of any reasons for a girl’s absence and where possible consent for absence should be sought in advance.

Parents need to provide their daughters with the school uniform as appropriate for her age. The uniform must fit properly and be complete. The school has a uniform shop which is open during term time for pupils to purchase items that need replacing or updating.

Parent School Contract:

Full terms and conditions are set out in a Parent/School Contract which is sent to parents with a Code of Conduct, a Complaints Procedure and any relevant Disciplinary policies prior to parents accepting a place for their daughter(s) at St Mary’s Calne.

Cancelling Acceptance of a Place, Prior to a Pupil Joining St Mary's:

The Cancellation of the place after acceptance can cause long-term loss to the School if it occurs after other families have taken their decisions about schooling for their children. A genuine pre-estimate of loss is fees for between one and five years. 

Families who have paid the Acceptance Fee/Deposit of £2400 to confirm their daughter's place and later withdraw, prior to their daughter joining the school, will not be eligible for a refund.