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We are delighted to celebrate the achievements of our 2024 Leavers who, as a year group, have made a hugely positive impact on the community of St Mary’s Calne. They have contributed as leaders, role models, eco-warriors, and champions of charity and, while doing this, they have also studied hard and achieved an exceptional set of A Level results.

An extraordinary set of six girls have achieved A*s across all their A Level subjects. Congratulations to Daisy Butterworth, Poppy de Laszlo, Eloise Franks, Thea Grafton, Sophia Huang and Ophelia James (4 A Levels) for their outstanding results. They will be going on to study Chemistry, Natural Sciences and Geography at Durham, Medicine at Cardiff, Psychology at Oxford and Maths at Bristol, respectively.

A special mention and congratulations go to Maya Newbigging who was one of the UK’s top performers in OCR’s A Level Art and Design: Fine Art. Maya will be heading to The University of Edinburgh to study History of Art. Her impressive body of artwork is proudly displayed throughout the school. 

We are also extremely proud of both our Foundation Scholar*, Hannah Clargo, who has successfully secured a place to read Classics at Oxford University, and Marybi Ashu, who joined St Mary’s Calne through the SpringBoard Foundation** as a Scholar, who will be studying Aerospace Engineering at Manchester University.

We are also pleased to share superb results across subject areas, with impressive levels of A*-A results achieved in Chemistry (70%), Economics (67%), English (64%), History (80%), Latin (83%) and Maths (74%). Smaller entry subjects, Physics (67%), German (67%) and Greek (100%), are also very worthy to note.

Our Leavers will be heading off to a variety of first-class universities to read a broad range of subjects. Destinations include Oxford, St Andrews, Durham, Exeter, Newcastle, Bristol, Cardiff and Manchester. Congratulations to our students who have worked exceptionally hard to gain their places at these universities.

Deputy Head Academic, Mr Michael Smyth, commented:

‘The 2024 A Level results are excellent. Of particular note was the high number of pupils achieving straight A* grades. This is testament to the dedication of the girls and our staff who have passionately supported them over the two years of Sixth Form. Over 23% of the grades awarded were A*, which is the highest non-pandemic affected results for this grade since 2017.

In addition, the overall results showcase the myriad of talents and interests of our pupils. Objective baseline measures indicate that some pupils outperformed expectations by over two whole grades. On average, pupils achieved half a grade higher than expected. I am delighted that the hard work of the 2024 Leavers has been formally recognised by this stellar set of exam grades and embodied our tagline of ‘Win Your Own Race’!’

Acting Head, Mrs Diana Harrison, said of the 2024 Leavers:

‘The girls are at the heart of everything we do at St Mary’s, and I am astounded every day by their talents, generosity of spirit and kindness to each other. Our Leavers all made Calne a better place and I urge them to go on and have the same positive impact on their next community as they have had on St Mary’s Calne.’


* Foundation Scholarships are offered to gifted and talented pupils who require financial support to join St Mary’s Calne.

** We are very proud to be working with The Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation, a social mobility charity which works across the UK’s boarding and independent schools sector to expand the number of bursary places, ensuring they are targeted towards young people who need them most.