The school employs dedicated nurses, qualified health care assistance and experienced first aiders to support the girls with any health-related concerns. As a professional Health Care Team, we holistically observe, engage and empathise with all students and their multi-faceted lives, promoting equal care with an ethos of inclusivity and respect to all students.

Appointments to the Health Centre are available daily and can be obtained through Housemistresses or students calling to arrange available times. Every effort is made to avoid disrupting the students' learning. We have two GP visits a week from The Southbroom Surgery. In addition to this, we have close links with local community-based provisions that we draw on to support our students. Other therapies, such as Physiotherapy and counselling, are also accessed at the Health Centre should they be needed.

The Health Centre is situated close to the entrance of the school and houses eight beds, two of which can be isolated if unwell students require them. The nurses' office is equipped with emergency supplies as well as a confidential assessment space.

Nurses are assigned a year group and follow the year group through their school experience. These nurses visit the students in their houses and are visible throughout the student’s time at St Mary's, allowing for health and wellbeing related changes and developments to be quickly identified and addressed.

Working alongside families, the Pastoral Team (including Housemistresses) and students, we aim to make health and wellbeing visible to the student population, engaging with health and managing any changes. As the students progress through their school career we foster a self-directed approach to their health needs, signposting and encouraging independence, although we are always on hand when needed.