At St Mary’s, there are seven houses, and the girls live within their own age group in a horizontal boarding system; they move houses every year but stay within their year group. This offers the maximum opportunity to establish firm friendships and fellowship across the year group which will last throughout school and beyond. Girls are therefore cared for by Housemistresses who are particularly aware of the needs of the individual age group in which they work.
Junior Boarding
The younger girls sleep in medium sized dormitories in School House, St Prisca's and St Cecilia's. All three of these Houses have a cheerful, supportive and exuberant atmosphere. Each House has a resident Housemistress, assisted by Deputy and/or Assistant Housemistresses and often a Resident Tutor.
Senior Boarding
From the age of 14, girls enjoy the privacy and independence of a single room with shared bathroom facilities. In Sixth Form, girls are in single rooms with en-suite bathrooms, more akin to university life. The Senior Houses are open at all times and each room is equipped with a comfortable study area for use between lessons. This encourages girls to adopt from an early age independent learning skills which will be vital in the future.