IMG 1177
Classics Trip to Athens 2023

The Classics Department is flourishing and highly valued at St Mary’s.  Most pupils study Latin at KS3 although some study Classical Civilisation in Year 8 and 9. Classical Greek is a further option in Year 9.  A significantly large number follow these subjects through to GCSE and A Level.  The study of the ancient world is supported by residential trips to sites such as Pompeii, Greece, and Rome. Closer to home we visit museums and Classical sites such as The Roman Baths, Chedworth and Caerleon.  We frequently go to the theatre to see performances of ancient Greek drama, such as Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, or to experience more experimental forms of theatre such as Punchdrunk’s immersive production of The Burnt City, often collaborating with the Drama Department.  We regularly enjoy successes in inter-school reading and drama competitions and have Sixth Form Heads of Subjects to run a Classics Club for the younger pupils. While studying, all pupils have access to impressive resources and facilities with our own room dedicated to Classics in the Lumi Library, though our greatest strength is our experienced and dedicated team of excellent teachers. 

For Latin we follow Suburani, a new Latin course that looks at the ancient world with fresh eyes and develops our pupils’ knowledge and understanding of both the Latin language and life in the Roman empire and is enhanced by excellent online activities.  We have a tailor-made course for those pupils studying Classical Civilisation that works well as a stand-alone introduction to ancient Greece and Rome and an excellent preparation for taking this subject at GCSE.  Pupils studying Greek will use John Taylor’s Greek to GCSE.  All girls are encouraged to enjoy the study of the Classical World and to achieve their full potential.

GCSE Latin, Greek and Classical Civilisation

We use the updated OCR specification which includes elements of Language, Literature and Civilisation Work.  A very high standard is achieved year on year in all three subject areas.  

A Level Latin, Greek and Classical Civilisation

We follow the updated OCR specifications in Latin, Greek and Classical Civilisation.  The uptake in all these subjects is very good and the girls achieve excellent results year on year. 

Mrs Lucy Weeden (Head of Department)