'Ideas shape the course of history.'
John Maynard Keynes
Economics is the study of how to use our limited resources to maximum effect. The subject was born in the 18th century, when Adam Smith set out to understand why some economies flourish and others flounder, in order to bring about higher living standards for everyone. Economists today analyse problems in the economy and create innovative ways to solve them, aiming to maximise the benefits to society. The world needs bright young people with a clear understanding of the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century global economy. Studying A Level Economics is a fabulous opportunity to begin to develop this understanding.
The A Level course allows girls to learn the tools that economists use to understand how markets and economies work, why they might fail and how to improve them. Students analyse and apply economic theories to a range of real-world contexts but, by learning to think like economists, they also learn a wide range of holistic skills. Students learn about the use and misuse of statistics by critically examining data from a range of sources, they learn how to effectively structure a balanced argument and they learn how to evaluate the significance of different factors over different timescales. Therefore the study of Economics equips students with a wide range of skills, preparing them for an ever-changing workplace.
Economics in the classroom is engaging and enjoyable. Interactive activities make concepts come alive to students, helping them make a personal connection and develop a relational understanding. Researching, reporting on and discussing current affairs highlights the importance of the concepts we study and reinforces the objectives learned in lessons. Debates, probing questions and student presentations all enliven the Economics classroom and offer a variety of ways to help students learn.
Economics should appeal to girls who have a keen interest in the world around them, enjoy keeping up to date with current affairs and are stimulated by new ideas and concepts. It encompasses such a diverse range of skills and applications that it complements academic study of any subjects, although it has particularly strong links with Mathematics, Politics, Geography and History.
A Level Economics is a well-respected qualification and a valuable asset for whatever career path a girl wishes to follow. It is obviously a useful grounding for those seeking to study Economics, Business or Finance based courses at university but, as the UK economy’s future is likely to be increasingly reliant on the creative industries, it is a valuable learning experience for all.
Full details of the AQA specification we follow can be found on the AQA website.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the department:
Mr Adrian Poole (Head of Economics)